adrianhajdin / project_next_14_ai_prompt_sharing

Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 14 application.
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Home page promptcards not being updated when deployed to Vercel #81

Open Darrensow opened 6 months ago

Darrensow commented 6 months ago

I have an issue with my homepage prompts. When deployed (image below), originally there were only three prompts.


I tried creating a new prompt under the same account and tried edited one of the existing prompts. However, the changes were not reflected in the homepage but was reflected in the profile page in deployment.



When I checked the homepage on my local device at localhost:3000, it works completely fine. I have tried redeploying my website in Vercel, and after each successful deployment, the homepage will display the latest prompts (including new and edited ones) at the time of deployment, but not the successive new/updated prompts after that.


Has anyone encountered this issue? I would really appreciate if you could share your experience or solutions when debugging apps in deployment.

harikris001 commented 6 months ago

hey, are you using next.js version 13 or version 14

Darrensow commented 6 months ago

@harikris001 I'm using next.js version 14 (14.0.4).

VivekSite commented 5 months ago

facing the same issue, the Feed component is not being updated each time we visit the page

Felipe-dot commented 5 months ago

I am facing the same issue. The feed component only update when remake the deploy on vercel.

ememVII commented 5 months ago

the solve is adding ( export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic'; ) in /api/prompt