adrianhajdin / project_nextjs13_flexibble
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An error occurred in the Server Components render #33

Closed Santosh7017 closed 10 months ago

Santosh7017 commented 10 months ago

code is working in localhost but giving this error when deploying on vercel this is my repo -

ClientError: GraphQL Error (Code: 503): {"response":{"error":"config worker not available","status":503,"headers":{}},"request":{"query":"\n query getProjects($category: String, $endcursor: String) {\n projectSearch(first: 8, after: $endcursor, filter: {category: {eq: $category}}) {\n pageInfo {\n hasNextPage\n hasPreviousPage\n startCursor\n endCursor\n }\n edges {\n node {\n title\n githubUrl\n description\n liveSiteUrl\n id\n image\n category\n createdBy {\n id\n email\n name\n avatarUrl\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n","variables":{}}} at makeRequest (/var/task/node_modules/graphql-request/build/cjs/index.js:310:15) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async makeGraphQLRequest (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/147.js:170:16) at async Home (/var/task/.next/server/app/page.js:540:18) { response: { error: 'config worker not available', status: 503, headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] } }, request: { query: '\n' + ' query getProjects($category: String, $endcursor: String) {\n' + ' projectSearch(first: 8, after: $endcursor, filter: {category: {eq: $category}}) {\n' + ' pageInfo {\n' + ' hasNextPage\n' + ' hasPreviousPage\n' + ' startCursor\n' + ' endCursor\n' + ' }\n' + ' edges {\n' + ' node {\n' + ' title\n' + ' githubUrl\n' + ' description\n' + ' liveSiteUrl\n' + ' id\n' + ' image\n' + ' category\n' + ' createdBy {\n' + ' id\n' + ' email\n' + ' name\n' + ' avatarUrl\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n' + ' }\n', variables: { category: undefined, endcursor: undefined } } } [Error: An error occurred in the Server Components render. The specific message is omitted in production builds to avoid leaking sensitive details. A digest property is included on this error instance which may provide additional details about the nature of the error.] { digest: '814287263' }