This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a an admin dashboard app using React.js and Syncfusion
I've followed the tutorial as closely as possible, however, the Sparkline still won't show. I've logged the data, its clearly being passed into the Sparkline component, but the chart just won't show. Any ideas?
My SparkLine.js file currently looks like this (Without console logs)
Hi there, I encountered the same issue. Turns out in the dummy dataset the SparklineAreaData has column labels 'x' and 'yval' instead of 'y'. In the SparkLine.jsx replace it with
I've followed the tutorial as closely as possible, however, the Sparkline still won't show. I've logged the data, its clearly being passed into the Sparkline component, but the chart just won't show. Any ideas?
My SparkLine.js file currently looks like this (Without console logs)
and my Ecommerce.jsx currently looks like this:
`import React from 'react' import { BsCurrencyDollar } from 'react-icons/bs'; import {GoDotFill} from 'react-icons/go';
import {Stacked, Pie, Button, SparkLine} from '../components'; import {earningData, SparklineAreaData, ecomPieChartData} from '../data/dummy'; import { useStateContext } from '../contexts/ContextProvider';
const Ecommerce = () => { return (
{item.amount} {item.percentage}
) }
export default Ecommerce`
Hi there, I encountered the same issue. Turns out in the dummy dataset the SparklineAreaData has column labels 'x' and 'yval' instead of 'y'. In the SparkLine.jsx replace it with
Or change the dummy data naming