adrianhajdin / project_threejs_ai
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its work after #38

Open amarkumarprajapati opened 10 months ago

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

The issue was resolved after removing remove - ''

Screenshot 2023-08-09 152644

Screenshot 2023-08-09 152724 act-three/drei" Screenshot 2023-08-09 152817

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

Does your image is display in the editor which u are using because my editor gives error Screenshot (49)

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

yes because glb not supported by visual code image

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

In which editor u are doing your project

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

vs code theme - jellyfish

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

I dont want the theme name I want Editor Name in which u have run the program

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

ok visual studio code

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

Then how to render the image

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

Screenshot 2023-08-14 114005 Screenshot 2023-08-14 114527 Screenshot 2023-08-14 113916 Screenshot 2023-08-14 113936

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

Can u help me what is wrong in this background is not working and shirt color also

Screenshot (55)

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

sure let me check

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

in store-index.js '

import { proxy } from 'valtio';

const state = proxy({ intro: true, color: 'rgb(167,0,3)', isLogoTexture: true, isFullTexture: false, logoDecal: './threejs.png', fullDecal: './threejs.png', });

export default state;

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

Screenshot (56)

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

go to Backdrop.jsx

<RandomizedLight amount={2} radius={9} intensity={0.55} ambient={0.25} position={[5, 5, -10]} /> <RandomizedLight amount={4} radius={5} intensity={0.25} ambient={0.55} position={[-5, 5, -9]} />

adjsut- intensity={0.95}

ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

It is working fine know..i have increased the body intensity .. one more thing what about the color..

And Thank you for the help

Screenshot (57)

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago


ajinkyap12 commented 10 months ago

But i want to fix the shirt of the color also, otherwise its no problem i will also try to do this

amarkumarprajapati commented 10 months ago

I will try it

jayjay2397 commented 5 months ago

Can u help me what is wrong in this background is not working and shirt color also

Screenshot (55)

HI, I have these presets for the backdrop.jsx

hopefully they help it fixed the shirt and back drop issue as well.

`const Backdrop = () => { const shadows = useRef();

return ( <AccumulativeShadows ref={shadows} temporal={easing.expoInOut} frames={60} alphaTest={0.25} scale={5} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} position={[0, 0, -0.14]}

    position={[10, 10, -15]}
    position={[-5, 5, -9]}

) }`

amarkumarprajapati commented 4 months ago

import React, { useRef } from 'react' import { easing } from 'maath' import { useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber' import { AccumulativeShadows, RandomizedLight } from '@react-three/drei';

const Backdrop = () => { const shadows = useRef();

return ( <AccumulativeShadows ref={shadows} temporal frames={60} alphaTest={0.85} scae={10} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} position={[0, 0, -0.14]}

<RandomizedLight amount={2} radius={9} intensity={0.75} ambient={0.25} position={[5, 5, -10]} /> <RandomizedLight amount={4} radius={5} intensity={0.25} ambient={0.55} position={[-5, 5, -9]} /> ) }

export default Backdrop use this