adrianhajdin / speechly_expense_tracker_project

This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial
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My Speechly is not working #8

Open Bhoomikagurram opened 2 years ago

Bhoomikagurram commented 2 years ago

Screenshot (119) My mic is not working what is the issue?

femiabimbola commented 2 years ago

Did you allow chrome to access your mic

pirateSteel commented 2 years ago

I am also facing the same issue. I also allowed chrome to access the mic. Did you somehow solve it? If yes then please share the solution.


TheHarsh32 commented 2 years ago

I have also the same issue

ansariyusra commented 1 year ago

Error (Broken mic icon). In case of an error (usually during initialisation), the button turns into a broken mic symbol. If you have the optional component in your hierarchy, a description of the problem is displayed. Otherwise, you'll need to look into the browser console to discover the reason for the error. Shown in case of SpeechlyState.Failed, SpeechlyState.NoAudioConsent, SpeechlyState.NoBrowserSupport

ansariyusra commented 1 year ago

ErrorPanel component is a normally hidden panel for voice-related error messages and recovery instructions when there is a problem with voice functions, e.g. when accessing site via http or if microphone permission is denied or unsupported in browser.

is intended to be placed inside block. You may, however, place it anywhere in the component hierarchy.

It automatically shows if there is problem detected upon pressing the . Internally, it uses pubsub-js for component to component communication.

Use to help users diagnose and recover from voice-related issues