adrianhajdin / threads

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404 Error When Sign-Up => Onboarding #84

Open hmongdev opened 9 months ago

hmongdev commented 9 months ago

I'm getting this error whenever I try to sign-up as a new user, with a different gmail:

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 3 43 46 PM

// middleware debug tells me: { "errors": [ { "message": "Unauthorized request", "long_message": "You are not authorized to perform this request", "code": "authorization_invalid" } ], "clerk_trace_id": "0888421536b6a4b48060bc9fc6a06ce4" }

// my authMiddleware.ts `import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs";

export default authMiddleware({ debug: true,

// An array of public routes that don't require authentication. publicRoutes: ["/", "/api/webhook/clerk"],

// An array of routes to be ignored by the authentication middleware. ignoredRoutes: ["/api/webhook/clerk"], });

export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.\..|_next).)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.)"], }; ` After checking the Clerk documentation, and several posts here with a similar issue, I'm at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.

LostAnurag commented 8 months ago

I'm getting this error whenever I try to sign-up as a new user, with a different gmail:

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 3 43 46 PM

// middleware debug tells me: { "errors": [ { "message": "Unauthorized request", "long_message": "You are not authorized to perform this request", "code": "authorization_invalid" } ], "clerk_trace_id": "0888421536b6a4b48060bc9fc6a06ce4" }

// my authMiddleware.ts `import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs";

export default authMiddleware({ debug: true,

// An array of public routes that don't require authentication. publicRoutes: ["/", "/api/webhook/clerk"],

// An array of routes to be ignored by the authentication middleware. ignoredRoutes: ["/api/webhook/clerk"], });

export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!...|next).)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(._)"], }; ` After checking the Clerk documentation, and several posts here with a similar issue, I'm at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.

I am facing same issue, there is any solution to fix this ?

RANJEETJ06 commented 8 months ago

actually the problem is not in the middleware part

check all the html return form wheather you have wrap all of the html return file in or not like in

<ClerkProvider> <html lang="en"> {your code} </html> </ClerkProvider>