adrianj / RangeImaging

Various things related to range imaging - specifically the Victoria University PMD19k Range Imaging System
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how and when to use OUTPUT_ENABLE_GROUP in pin assignment #4

Closed tracyone closed 6 years ago

tracyone commented 10 years ago

set_instance_assignment -name OUTPUT_ENABLE_GROUP "1743998284" -to ${::ppl_instance_name}mem_dq[0]

does mem_dq is write only in your application?

adrianj commented 10 years ago

To which file are you referring? That piece of script looks to me like it was auto-generated by the Altera tools.

To answer your question, 'mem_dq' is the set of data lines to the RAM chip. They are both read and write. In the top level design they are referred to as ddr2_devX_dq (X = a or b).