adriank / ObjectPath

The agile query language for semi-structured data
MIT License
380 stars 93 forks source link

Include link to SakStig #68

Closed redhog closed 3 years ago

redhog commented 6 years ago
redhog commented 5 years ago

ping @adriank

adriank commented 5 years ago


Please add installation guide on SakStig page. If I will be able to install SakStig and it passes all ObjectPath tests I will merge this PR.

Thanks, Adrian

redhog commented 4 years ago


There is a simple installation instruction in the README (pip install :)

I have made sure all tests pass (as of 2019-11-19) - I have provided a wrapper script that runs the tests out of the current master of an ObjectPath repo clone, but monkeypatched to use the sakstig query engine instead of the ObjectPath one.

Note that there's a "compatibility" flag that if set to False will make sakstig deviate from some ObjectPath semantics in some corner cases. These are documented on the homepage. If set to True (the default), sakstig should not deviate ever.

Also, please note that sakstig only supports python 3...

(env) redhog@glittertind:~/sakstig $ python develop
Finished processing dependencies for sakstig==0.1.6
(env) redhog@glittertind:~/sakstig $ git clone
Cloning into 'ObjectPath'...
(env) redhog@glittertind:~/sakstig $ env/bin/nose2 -v -s tests/
test_arithm_add (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_div (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_group (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_mod (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_mul (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_parentheses (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_sub (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arrays (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_arithmetic (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_arrays (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_casting (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_string (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_time (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_type (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_gt (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_is (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_isnot (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_lt (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_regex (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_complex (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_concatenation (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_localize (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_and (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_negatives (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_not (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_or (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_membership_in (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_membership_notin (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_misc (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_objects (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_optimizations (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_selector_with_empty_result (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_simple_types (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_complex_paths (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_object_list (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_selectors (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_simple_paths (ObjectPath.tests.test_ObjectPath.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_arithm_add (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_div (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_group (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_mod (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_mul (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_parentheses (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arithm_sub (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_arrays (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_arithmetic (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_arrays (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_casting (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_string (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_time (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_builtin_type (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_gt (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_is (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_isnot (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_lt (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_comparison_regex (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_complex (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_concatenation (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_localize (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_and (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_negatives (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_not (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_logic_or (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_membership_in (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_membership_notin (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_misc (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_objects (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_optimizations (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_simple_types (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath) ... ok
test_complex_paths (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_selectors (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok
test_simple_paths (tests.test_SakStig.ObjectPath_Paths) ... ok

Ran 72 tests in 0.350s


(env) redhog@glittertind:~/sakstig $
redhog commented 4 years ago

Just for completeness, here is the commit ID of the version of ObjectPath I used for the test suite:

adriank commented 4 years ago

Nice, you solved many bugs that I didn't have time to fix in recent years with Sakstig. Maybe we should do some call to discuss what would benefit the project the best. Should we merge those projects making my 10-year-old implementation just for historical purposes and making Sakstig the default or keeping projects separate etc.

Your change on the site is not visible enough in my opinion. We need to think about how to expose Sakstig a little bit better.

redhog commented 4 years ago

Cool! Sure. redhog_org on skype, on google hangout. When would you have time? I'm based in Norway, and can do calls during the week, either during the workday or in the evening, including today...

redhog commented 4 years ago
