adrianlopezroche / fdupes

FDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories.
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For every directories given, find duplicates in each subdirectory #157

Closed SodaWithoutSparkles closed 1 year ago

SodaWithoutSparkles commented 3 years ago

basically, as the title says. equivalent to -R then manually enter each subdirectory.

Friday13th87 commented 1 year ago

i might not understand your question correctly. What i am understanding ist that for example for: main/sub1 main/sub2 main/sub3 main/sub4 you like to find duplicates only in sub1/sub2/sub3/sub4 but not between those subdirectories? if so you can just run it like for i in sub1 sub2 sub3 sub4; do fdupes -r main/$i; done

if i got you wrong, you maybe should add some informations to your exact issue

SodaWithoutSparkles commented 1 year ago

Thats what I was thinking for. Using a for loop to do it is kinda janky, and I feel like this software should have the ability to do so. But this does the trick.

Although I have since moved to another de-dupe solution since I first post this issue.

If there are no objections within the next 24 hours, I would close this issue.

aioue commented 1 year ago

@SodaWithoutSparkles what solution for this did you use instead please?

SodaWithoutSparkles commented 1 year ago

I think it's rdfind. Can't remember what I have done back then