adrianlyjak / obsidian-aloud-tts

MIT License
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Stream larger chunks of audio #3

Open adrianlyjak opened 4 months ago

adrianlyjak commented 4 months ago

The player splits text sentence-by-sentence, and renders those to speech. It does this so that content is streamable and navigable.

However, the speech synthesis isn't as good.

Would it be possible to stream the audio chunks from openai, and somehow rethink the navigation chunks within the paragraph?

Calorion commented 3 months ago

Or at least preload future sentences in the background, to reduce loading times.

adrianlyjak commented 3 months ago

@Calorion the plugin currently buffers 3 sentences ahead. Were you seeing delays between sentences?

Calorion commented 3 months ago

Yes, occasionally, but if you're already buffering three sentences ahead, that's probably all you should do.