adrianmihalko / raspberrypiwireguard

Install and configure WireGuard on Raspberry Pi (and others)
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small question about explanation #1

Closed hetzbh closed 6 years ago

hetzbh commented 6 years ago

In your instructions connecting both Raspberry Pi A & B, shouldn't Raspberry Pi A have rpia_public.key and Pi B have rpib_public.key ?

adrianmihalko commented 6 years ago

No, On Raspberry Pi A you must use Raspberry Pi B's key (rpib_public.key) and vice versa.

Then if you connect with Raspberry Pi A to Raspberry Pi B: Raspberry Pi B can pair/sign his (rpib_public.key from the config on Rpi A) with his private key. And vice versa too.

hetzbh commented 6 years ago

Oh, you're right, but what happens when I want to connect between >2 Pi's? (5, for example)

adrianmihalko commented 6 years ago

Each WireGuard interface may have multiple peers:

       PrivateKey = yAnz5TF+lXXJte14tji3zlMNq+hd2rYUIgJBgB3fBmk=
       ListenPort = 51820

       PublicKey = rpib_1.publickey
       Endpoint =
       AllowedIPs =,

       PublicKey = rpic.publickey
       Endpoint = [2607:5300:60:6b0::c05f:543]:2468
       AllowedIPs =,

       PublicKey = rpid.publickey
       Endpoint =
       AllowedIPs =

...etc. Feel free to ask at: #Wireguard

hetzbh commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the explanation ;)

adrianmihalko commented 6 years ago

No problem, use it, it's a great tool!