adrianmo / go-nmea

A NMEA parser library in pure Go
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Fails to parse IIXDR #109

Closed Piorosen closed 1 year ago

Piorosen commented 1 year ago

occur error when parsing data. i received error message, "nmea: IIXDR invalid transducer type: A"

my gps data sender is providing bellow data $IIXDR, A, 0.0, D, ROLL, A, 0.0, D, PITCH*15

aldas commented 1 year ago

every field has really leading space?

Piorosen commented 1 year ago

yes, because nmea data is provided by simulator.

aldas commented 1 year ago

At the moment library does not try to actively trim fields from whitespaces as leading space is not something "normal". For example leading zero(s) 0 is valid thing for numbers by NMEA0183 spec but space?

$IIXDR, A, 0.0, D, ROLL, A, 0.0, D, PITCH*15 has 8 extra spaces. Considering 9600 baudrate being common this is quite huge overhead. Each extra character at these low transfer speeds is very expensive for throughput.

I guess we could ignore leading spaces for some of the field types - number, enums but for string fields this leads to question - could be that leading space is intended or is it not?

Piorosen commented 1 year ago

Thank you for letting us know what caused this. i was able to determine the cause of the issue and resolve it. Thank you. @aldas

this issue is closed that solve.