adrianmteo / Luna

Automatic dark mode for Windows 10
MIT License
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Feature request: switch based on sunrise and sunset #24

Open sebo1312 opened 4 years ago

sebo1312 commented 4 years ago

No further description

adrianmteo commented 4 years ago

@sebo1312 This is a good feature. Looking into integrating it in the next major release 😄

sebo1312 commented 4 years ago

Glad that I could share my idea.

NicTanghe commented 4 years ago

anny idea when this'l be? and could you also show m where in the cod you implemented it? Also could you ad a setting that changes desktop background evrytime the sun moves 5% "from up to dawn not in 360". so w can make our laptops like the sky :D

adrianmteo commented 4 years ago

In the near future

EpicVoyage commented 4 years ago

How difficult would it be to let us configure the location for sunset/sunrise?

I work on remote desktops where the location services would be inaccurate if they were enabled.

adrianmteo commented 4 years ago

Not that hard, it is a matter of how much time I have to implement this. This will be implemented in the next release. You will have the ability to search your location or automatically set the location.

EpicVoyage commented 4 years ago

I am not really a .NET developer, but let me know if you want some help with this.

A rudimentary location implementation could use the Windows GeoCoordinateWatcher API with an "Advanced" option to supply our own latitude/longitude.

It looks like there are a few existing solutions for sunrise/sunset calculations such as the CoordinateSharp Library or SunSetRiseLib Source. Of course, this could also be verified against NOAA.

NicTanghe commented 4 years ago

Something exactly like this website but in app whould be nice.

EpicVoyage commented 4 years ago

Something exactly like this website but in app whould be nice.

Are there any free geocoding services?