adrianmteo / Luna

Automatic dark mode for Windows 10
MIT License
278 stars 12 forks source link

Feature request: Time period judgement #38

Open GotTal opened 4 years ago

GotTal commented 4 years ago

How's it going dear developer~ Luna is really great in total, but I think it still have space to improve like juding the time to change the theme. Now the program will only change the time at a specific time like 6:30 or 19:00, but what if it can judge that if it's at the daytime or night, then change it automaticly. It is necessary in a situation that it's the time to change but it is power off... I know making it is more difficult than comming up with an idea, but we(fans of Luna in China) will support u all the time~ (Ur software is a little famous in Chinese social media btw haha) By a freshman of an ungraduated in a Chinese university