adrianschlatter / threadlib

thread library for OpenSCAD
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Threads Z-axis/height instead of turns #32

Closed yhaenggi closed 4 years ago

yhaenggi commented 4 years ago

Feature request: i'd like to create threads based on height and not amount on turns.

adrianschlatter commented 4 years ago

Can you elaborate on how you would want to use that feature? What would the end-user code look like?

thread("G1/2-ext", length=10);?

yhaenggi commented 4 years ago

Your example is exactly what would be needed. Currently i need to calculate or empirically find the amount of turns to get a nut/bolt/thread of length X. A general length/height (however you want to name it) parameter would be suiting for this.

thread("G1/2-ext", length=10);
bolt("M3", length=10);
nut("M12x0.5", length=10, Douter=16);
unrzn0 commented 4 years ago

Hi, here's some modification for nuts and bolts using height.

// nut2 uses height instead of number of turns
module nut2(designator, height, Douter, higbee_arc=20, fn=120, table=THREAD_TABLE) {
    specs = thread_specs(str(designator, "-int"), table=table);
    P = specs[0]; Dsupport = specs[2];
    H = height;
    turns = (H / P) - 1;
    echo("Turns: ", turns);
    translate([0, 0, (P/2 + 0.1)]) {
    union() {
        thread(str(designator, "-int"), turns=turns, higbee_arc=higbee_arc, fn=fn, table=table);

        translate([0, 0, -P / 2])
            difference() {
                cylinder(h=H, d=Douter, $fn=fn);
                translate([0, 0, -0.1])
                    cylinder(h=H+0.2, d=Dsupport, $fn=fn);
// bolt2 uses height instead of number of turns
module bolt2(designator, height, higbee_arc=20, fn=120, table=THREAD_TABLE) {
    specs = thread_specs(str(designator, "-ext"), table=table);
    P = specs[0]; Dsupport = specs[2];
    H = height;
    turns = (H / P) -1;
    echo("Turns: ", turns);
    translate([0,0,P/2]) {
    union() {
        thread(str(designator, "-ext"), turns=turns, higbee_arc=higbee_arc, fn=fn, table=table);
        translate([0, 0, -P / 2])
            cylinder(h=H, d=Dsupport, $fn=fn);
adrianschlatter commented 4 years ago

Thanks for that example. What I do not like so much is the introduction of a new module. If someone wanted higbee_length instead of higbee_arc, we would already need nut3 and nut4. Adding inches instead of meters would already go up to nut8 (think of all the possible combinations). Nobody will be able to remember which module is for what :(