adrianstevens / Xamarin-Plugins

Cross-platform Plugins for Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms and Windows
MIT License
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Mismatch between processor architecture for x64 (AMD64) #43

Closed zwilkin closed 5 years ago

zwilkin commented 5 years ago

When updating from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0, I am unable to compile my x64 UWP application.

Here is the error that is occurring...

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: EISPocketProperty4.UWP, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2110,5): error MSB3270: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "AMD64" and the processor architecture of the reference "C:\Users\zach\.nuget\packages\xam.plugin.simpleaudioplayer\1.3.0\lib\UAP10\Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.dll", "x86". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references, or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project. ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

JTOne123 commented 5 years ago

I've got the same error. XBOX support needed.

christoroth commented 5 years ago

I have this issue too. release build x86/x64 on UWP gives mismatch compilation error. Rolled back to 1.1 and it's built the app bundle ok with both in it.

PetrVobornik commented 5 years ago

I have this error to, when I try to create package for Microsoft Store (.appxupload)

There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "AMD64" and the processor architecture of the reference "C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\xam.plugin.simpleaudioplayer\1.3.0\lib\UAP10\Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.dll", "x86". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references, or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project. MyApp.UWP

HerrRiebmann commented 5 years ago

Me also! Trying to create an UWP app in x86 or x64. Seems like the Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.dll in "SimpleAudioPlayer\lib\UAP10\" is not compiled with AnyCPU property.

@christoroth attempt works. Or replacing the dll from another folder then "UAP10".

dberroa commented 5 years ago

Writing to say I also have this issue with 1.3.0.

ronnieoverby commented 5 years ago

Same here.

adrianstevens commented 5 years ago

Interesting ..... I'll look into this and try and fix it this week.

adrianstevens commented 5 years ago

Confirmed - I'll update release 1.3.1 this week. Thanks everyone any sorry for the wait.

adrianstevens commented 5 years ago

Thank you everyone! This has been fixed in 1.3.1 - closing issue