adriatic / RedwoodJS-Mendable

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Issue with Mendable Vanilla JS #5

Open adriatic opened 10 months ago

adriatic commented 10 months ago

Mendable Vanilla JS sample wouldn't run: (I hid my ANON token) with error message

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'appendChild')
    at Object.Wb [as initialize] (mendable-bundle.min.js:51:31674)
    at index.html:3:12

This might have to be related with the completeness of the HTML file - as I run the file with the Live Server (in VSCode) as shown below:


It would help me to know what is your method of running this code 😄

adriatic commented 10 months ago

Attempt number two

Done after

I deleted the project created this morning (from within Mendable) and went on creating a new one, using Safari this time (I used Chrome in the morning). Note that I am not signed into Safari itself. However, setting the safari's url to safari started with the user already logged in:


So, the first step I did was to signout from the App:


Note that the app prompts with the Sign in - as if it already knows that I had the account before (suspicious and I do not understand this)

The second step was to click on Get Started. (I do hope that this is the right step??) This still leaves me at a dilemma (as I do not know what is the bug with using non-Gmail email address). The safest was (I think) is to click on the button Sign up with Google which resulted with:


Indicating that there is some "memory" of my previous project which your app somehow cached, despite me deleting the project with Mendble UI as stated at the beginning of this post

As I see it there are several bugs here:

  1. The project from previous time (morning today) survived deleting
  2. I am offered to create a new project - and that should not be possible as I am still running the basic (free) version (see item 3 below)
  3. I am prompted to upgrade, despite you telling me that you upgraded my nikolaj.ivancic@gmail email.

I am very attracted to Mendable but it's taking me more than a week to make the first step (still haven't, as you well know - and that indicates one of two explanations

  1. I am too dumb to use this product (in the most simple fashion, even)
  2. I am not communicating well with you (either you are too busy so you do not pay attention to my writing, or my writings are not worth shit)

Either way, I will discontinue this "testing" as it leads nowhere. At my age, I ought to be direct as any other way takes to much time