adriatic / composer

Integrated Development Environment for Music
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Parallels between software and music development #4

Open adriatic opened 5 years ago

adriatic commented 5 years ago

1. Abstract model

In order to establish these parallels, it is important to create a solid abstraction which can subsequently be used to derive the notions of software creation and composing the music as its subclasses. I believe that this definition (next paragraph below) of Document Processing activity can get me to sufficiently good definition of the the needed abstraction:

Documents serve to archive and communicate information. Document processing is the activity
of operating on information captured in some form of persistent medium. Traditionally, that 
medium is paper, and documents are bundles of paper with information captured in 
print or in writing.

This definition, using the most general notion of the object called document, is my starting point. In the following sections of this article, I will present the process of creation of a "text" document (think of a news article, blog, op-ed as more specific instances of such text document) using the most technologically advanced text management tools - Wordpress' just released Gutenberg editor.

Next, I will ask markd2 to pick a sufficiently simple "piece of music" and create it using his preferred selection of tools musician use today. Having both "documents" defined in terms of steps of the process used to create them, I am hoping that we could establish the parallels, which would allow us to identify the new tools for the music composers that would make composing more fun.

adriatic commented 5 years ago

2. Simple examples

To start the simplest possible way, let's observe the process of the creation of a text document. To ensure sufficiently complex process (as different from documenting the use of the Github Markdown editor in the context of writing this very paragraph), let's use the description of the document creation with Gutenberg Editor.

Our next model will be

adriatic commented 5 years ago

2.1. Creation of a text document

In this context, a document is a well structured collection of "blocks" - where blocks are entities from the following set:


adriatic commented 5 years ago

2.2 Creation of a music composition

It seems unlikely that we should start with a composition for an orchestra - maybe a trio?

Transcribe this ( to this section.