adrielcafe / AndroidAudioConverter

Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.
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FFmpeg is not loaded #13

Open mnarbash opened 7 years ago

mnarbash commented 7 years ago

Error: FFmpeg is not loaded how to solve it??

541205249 commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem!

JeckChou commented 6 years ago

before you call convert, you should call load function. eg, App onCreate

AndroidAudioConverter.load(this, new ImpLoadCallback());

caoshengsheng commented 6 years ago

I guess you didn't add the App to manifest.xml。

prokulit06 commented 5 years ago

just add android:name=".App" in androidmanifest application tag

oemersari commented 4 years ago

same problem. java.lang.Exception: FFmpeg not loaded added android:name=".App" to the Manifest but no luck

bitristan commented 4 years ago


bhd119 commented 4 years ago

转换的时候报这个错误:FFmpeg is not loaded 在Application里边打日志也不走onSuccess,onFailure输出的日志信息为:Failed to loaded FFmpeg lib,需要怎么解决? AndroidAudioConverter.load(this, new ILoadCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { // Great! Log.e("AndroidAudio", "onSuccess"); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception error) { // FFmpeg is not supported by device Log.e("AndroidAudio", error.getMessage());
} });

chirag03k commented 3 years ago

I seem to have the same problem. Does it matter whether you load with an Activity instead of an Application?

here is my code:

Activity activity = ... 
AndroidAudioConverter.load(activity, new ILoadCallBack(){
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d("AudioWriter", "Success in loading FFMPEG");

   public void onFailure() {
        Log.d("AudioWriter", "Failed to load FFMPEG");

It claims to be successful every time but when I try to convert the audio I get this:

java.lang.Exception: FFmpeg not loaded
chirag03k commented 3 years ago

It turns out that the issue is that loading takes some time for the thread. Calling convert() immediately won't work because FFMPEG hasn't been loaded yet. However, sleeping for around 1 second (on my device at least) seemed to solve the issue.

logan2222 commented 3 years ago

Is there any solution for this issue??? I can't load ffmpeg on Android 29

assembleMHN commented 3 years ago

im having the same issue, cannot load FFMpeg, followed the guide, and gets cannot loaded ffmpeg on android 29

logan2222 commented 3 years ago

For me is working in version 28 and below, but impossible to load in android 29

logan2222 commented 3 years ago

com.arthenica:mobile-ffmpeg-full works on Android Q, the sintax is similar, you must search or find for a correct execute command string

mnk98 commented 3 years ago

Any update regarding this as in Android 29+, it does not load and get failure. using android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" already in Manifest file.