adrielcafe / AndroidAudioConverter

Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.
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When including it, App paused supporting RTL layout direction #20

Open waelsyrian996 opened 6 years ago

waelsyrian996 commented 6 years ago

Something bad happened with me, when I've included the module, the app stop supporting the RTL layout directions.

advise please,

waelsyrian996 commented 6 years ago

anyone have idea how to solve it ?

hanansabry commented 5 years ago

same issue here, any solution

ahmedalkhashab commented 5 years ago

@waelsyrian996 @hanansabry @adrielcafe

Does anyone have the reason for it?

ahmedalkhashab commented 5 years ago

@adrielcafe I used your fork from "FFmpegAndroid" that has your commit at the date "15 Sep 2016"

then use this fix from @troutslaps

It works now