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getScreenModel returns "... not found in hilt graph" #148

Closed ydhnwb closed 10 months ago

ydhnwb commented 1 year ago

I have a simple module like this:

class NoteDataSource {

    fun getAllNotes() : List<String> {
        val notes = (0..25).map { "Notes from data #$it | ${UUID.randomUUID().toString().substringBefore('-')}" }
        return notes

And NoteDataSource will be injected to ListScreenModel like this:

class ListScreenModel @Inject constructor(
    private val noteDataSource: NoteDataSource
) : ScreenModel {

    fun getItems2() : List<String> {
        return noteDataSource.getAllNotes()
    override fun onDispose() {

Using it inside AndroidScreen() via getScreenModel like this:

class ListNotesScreen: AndroidScreen() {
    override val key: ScreenKey = uniqueScreenKey

    override fun Content() {
        val scrollBehavior = TopAppBarDefaults.exitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior(rememberTopAppBarState())
        val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow
        val screenModel = getScreenModel<ListScreenModel>()

But it returns error like:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: class com.ydhnwb.myapplication.feature.list_note.ListScreenModel not found in hilt graph.

 Please, check if you have a Multibinding declaration to your ScreenModel using @IntoMap and @ScreenModelKey(com.ydhnwb.myapplication.feature.list_note.ListScreenModel::class)

I already added @HiltAndroidApp and @AndroidEntryPoint. Am I missing something or this is a bug?

AntsyLich commented 1 year ago

You need to manually add the model to hilt graph like below

abstract class ListScreenModule {
    abstract fun ListScreenModel.binds(): ScreenModel