adrielcafe / voyager

🛸 A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
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Navigation to Screen from bottom sheet #283

Open Kashif-E opened 5 months ago

Kashif-E commented 5 months ago

How can we navigate to a screen from a bottom sheet? if I do and then navigator.push(ScreenB()) it will be another bottom sheet. How can i do the opposite?

DevSrSouza commented 5 months ago

Hey, sorry the delay!

Don't know if I understand your question properly, do you want to navigate to another Screen inside the BottomSheet or you want to navigate to Screen of the a Navigator that is the Content of the Scaffold? Can you give me some examples?

Kashif-E commented 4 months ago

Hey! Sorry for the delay, consider this glow when moving from a bottom sheet to a non-bottom sheet screen. ezgif-2-b460334530

akhbulatov commented 1 month ago

@Kashif-E same problem, have you found any solution?

akhbulatov commented 1 month ago

@DevSrSouza is there a recommended solution for such a case?