adrielcafe / voyager

🛸 A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
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[Bug][Deeplink] Navigator stack doesn't change after screens list changes #387

Open theolm opened 1 month ago

theolm commented 1 month ago

Issue with Deep Link Implementation

Current Behavior

When initializing the navigator using Navigator(screens = screenStack), it becomes impossible to change the list of screens using the same constructor. This issue becomes problematic for the implementation of deep links.

val screenStack by screenStackFlow.collectAsState()
Navigator(screens = screenStack) // screen list never changes even if screenStack changes

The only workaround I found was to use navigator.replaceAll to swap the entire stack at once.

// This works
val screenStack by screenStackFlow.collectAsState()
 Navigator(screens = screenStack) {

Expected Behavior

Once screenStack is a state and its content changes, the list of screens in the Navigator(screens = screenStack) composable should change accordingly, respecting the state.


The issue can be observed in this sample project