I am using the Firebase Auth Method for the store auth but when i try to auth from the store i'm getting the response "Unauthorized" I'm passing my accessToken from the auth.currentUser.getIdToken() method in the Authorization header.
I've generated the firebase credentials Json from the "service accounts" tab in firebase console.
After some debugging if a user already has a account created through medusa this method cannot be used!
Feature Request: Allow users to merge accounts if the have the same email address.
I am using the Firebase Auth Method for the store auth but when i try to auth from the store i'm getting the response "Unauthorized" I'm passing my accessToken from the auth.currentUser.getIdToken() method in the Authorization header.
I've generated the firebase credentials Json from the "service accounts" tab in firebase console.
My medusa config looks like this.
{ resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth", /** @type {import('medusa-plugin-auth').AuthOptions} */ options: { strict: "store", firebase: { credentialJsonPath: CredentialJsonPath, store: { authPath: "/store/auth/firebase", expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, }, }, }, },
I've tried with the absolute path or relative path to the firebase credentials file.
Best regards Hampus