adrienabbey / REALLY-kinda-BAD-IDLE-GAME-Just-Kidding-The-Prequel-II

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78 add ambient sounds to forest and mineshaft #117

Closed MuhammedAbu closed 3 months ago

MuhammedAbu commented 3 months ago

Patch / bugfix notes for 3/27/24 - 4/4/24

  1. Added a bunch of comments summarizing the class does and how they work for a majority of the classes in the source code.

  2. Changed background image for library and homestead.

  3. Changed background music for town, credits, homestead, library, and secret merchant. Edited background music using a combination of audacity and clipchamp, Used the equalizer in audacity to fine-tune background music and create greater immersion.

    • Town music -> Fantasy medieval village
    • Homestead music -> Old Pine Village
    • secret merchant music -> Industrious Ferret
    • Library music -> Wonder and Magic
    • Credits music -> Song of the North
  4. Added ambient noise to town, mineshaft, and forest.

  5. Added sound effect to hunting Used clipchamp to overlay different recording to create hunting-sfx.

  6. Appended references to credits and licensing with all newly added music and sfx.

  7. Fixed issue with ambient sound effects getting interrupted or not playing. Also made it so ambient sfx loop along with the backgrounnd music.

  8. Overloaded playSound() method in the SFX class so it can handle looped sound effects. Added an inner wrapper class to tag clips with loop flag. Modifed stopAllSounds() so that it properly releases resources for stopped clips.

  9. Renamed Shop -> Bazaar, Woodcutting -> Forest, Mining -> Mineshaft, Home -> Homestead. I think having the class names be the in-game names makes it more understandable when looking through the source code.

  10. Experimented with animated backgrounds by using the VLCJ framework to play a video from an embedded media player. Couldnt get working so put it on the backburner for now. Did get some semi-decent ai animations working though. Animation attempts are located in the videos directory in assets. Used a combination of Runway to animate still images and edit videos, Ezgif to reverse and speed up / slow down videos, and Vmake and Tensorpix to enhance video quality.

  11. Volume Optimization: Highered default volumes of SFX and Music. (altered the currentVolume variable in each class to do this). Lowered dB of interface (button clicks), voice overs, and other sfx in audacity. Should be balanced decently well now.

Known bugs:

  1. Ambient sfx will not be stopped properly every so often after leaving an area and will continue playing. This happens rarely (like every 5-10 panel changes) so it should not affecrt snapshot videos.