adrienabbey / REALLY-kinda-BAD-IDLE-GAME-Just-Kidding-The-Prequel-II

Team Project for Introduction to Software Engineering
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120 - Adding auto saving and save/load UI #121

Closed MuhammedAbu closed 3 months ago

MuhammedAbu commented 3 months ago

Patch Notes / Bug Fixes for 4/7/24

  1. Minor improvements:

    • Added entries to the credits
    • Added bgm w/ ambient bird noises in forest
    • Made certain resources appear more commonly
    • Added sfx to scavenging, tongue fern, spleenwort, pelt, meat, and magical essence.
    • Added fullscreen (for my system), corrected relative positioning in forest panel to match fullscreen resolution.
  2. Added saving/loading to UI and automatic saving:

    • added parameter for save/load methods in Driver to allow file paths to be specified.
    • Added buttons for 2 save states.
    • Save file 1 is automatically saved by default whenever the user changes panels (enetering and leaving all panels from World, and enteirng and leaving the bazaar).