adrienjoly / algocodesearch

🕵️‍♀️ off-sprint project that intends to index symbols from a language server (LSP), for code search
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Notes #1

Open adrienjoly opened 4 years ago

adrienjoly commented 4 years ago

Ideas of Use Cases that were discussed with @netgusto on 2019-09-06:

symbol ref search with symbol-type-based filtering/faceting

e.g. "just the variables called userConfig"

pattern matching

1. function chaining

e.g. "show me all the links between functionA and functionB" --> call paths

2. AST-based pattern matching

for() {

e.g. "loop" "condition" "indexing function call"

e.g. "loop" "indexing function call"

=> too deep paths

"calls to Runner"

=> too expensive to compute

adrienjoly commented 4 years ago

Demo gif:
