adrienne-marshall / mountain_climate

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ideas for text analysis #1

Open adrienne-marshall opened 6 years ago

adrienne-marshall commented 6 years ago

questions that could be asked with metadata analysis:

  1. Structure of collaboration networks between authors
    • possible to analyze this network by country or institution?
    • analyze this network by subject or discipline.
  2. Text analysis of words in titles: most common words? changes in most common words?

data needed for these questions:

  1. authors
  2. subject
  3. title

questions that could be asked with full text/abstract analysis:

adrienne-marshall commented 6 years ago

some kind of analysis of gender of authors? would be difficult to get gender...

adrienne-marshall commented 6 years ago

sentiment analysis? We typically presume that scientific writing should be fairly dispassionate, but does sentiment analysis suggest otherwise? I'm not sure that the construct validity of sentiment analysis is really good enough for this...