adrienrn / dotfiles

:black_circle: - Yet another dotfiles repository
Apache License 2.0
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Git #1

Open adrienrn opened 8 years ago

adrienrn commented 8 years ago

Remove a tag locally and remotely

Because sometimes, you're making a big giant poop.

git tag -d 1.50.1 && git push origin :refs/tags/1.50.1

adrienrn commented 8 years ago

Pull --rebase

Pulling avoiding merge commit.

git stash && git pull --origin develop && git stash pop

adrienrn commented 8 years ago

Number of lines in a github

alias gitlines="git ls-files | xargs wc -l"
adrienrn commented 7 years ago


Remove all branches that does not exists on remote:

git fetch origin --prune
adrienrn commented 7 years ago

Push after release:

git push origin develop && git push origin master && git push origin --tags
adrienrn commented 7 years ago

Count useless object (how dirty your working copy is):

git count-objects

adrienrn commented 7 years ago
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration

adrienrn commented 7 years ago

adrienrn commented 7 years ago

Ménage complet d'une copie locale.