I appended shell-version 42 to metadata.json but I couldn't make gnome-magic-window work properly.
"name": "gnome-magic-window",
"description": "Bind a key to a specific program in Gnome Shell",
"uuid": "gnome-magic-window@adrienverge",
"url": "https://github.com/adrienverge/gnome-magic-window",
"shell-version": ["40", "41", "42"]
Sorry to bother you.
After removing the installed gnome-magic-window, then I rebooted and appended shell-version 42.
gnome-extensions enable gnome-magic-window@adrienverge
After rebooting, it works.
gnome-magic-window is not working in ubuntu 22.04
I appended shell-version 42 to metadata.json but I couldn't make gnome-magic-window work properly.