adrn / CitationPEP

Sketching out a PEP for a software citation standard
MIT License
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add citation type #2

Open kelle opened 6 years ago

kelle commented 6 years ago

The PEP looks great! Reads very clearly to me.

The one thing I didn't see which I could imagine wanting is a way of knowing the type of citation. E.g., will astropy.__citation__ return a DOI, a URL to a DOI, or bibtex code? It would be nice to be able to provide all of these things and access them pythonically. (I don't know the best way to implement.)

adrn commented 6 years ago

My original idea was that it would be up to each package maintainer to decide what to store in that variable. But one possibility (that I think could be expressed more clearly in the PEP) is that Python provide a Citation class that has placeholders for a DOI, URL, bibtex, etc. I'll see if I can make that clearer in the text - thanks for the thought!