adsabs / ADSImportPipeline

Data ingest pipeline for ADS classic->ADS+
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not listing full author names #169

Open romanchyla opened 6 years ago

romanchyla commented 6 years ago

example: 1980ITED...27..126S

classic shows the full name, but merger rules pick the arxiv version - surprisingly, only in the new pipeline (the old pipeline was the same)

x = read_records.readRecordsFromADSExports([('1980ITED...27..126S', 'ignore2')])  
{'JSON_fingerprint': 'ignore2',
 'bibcode': u'1980ITED...27..126S',
 'entry_date': u'1995-08-29',
 'metadata': [{'abstracts': [{'lang': u'en',
     'origin': u'STI',
     'text': u"The optical and detector properties of PbS-Si heterojunctions (HJ) are studied. The absorption of PbS films and PbS-Si HJ's have been measured by IR spectroscopy. The photosignal and noise measurem
ents of PbS-Si HJ's are outlined. HJ detectivity and its spectral response are emphasized."}],
   'arxivcategories': [],
   'authors': [{'affiliations': [u'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.'],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Steckl, A',
      'western': u'Steckl, A. J.'},
     'number': u'1',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [u'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.'],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Elabd, H',
      'western': u'Elabd, H.'},
     'number': u'2',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [u'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.'],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Motamedi, M',
      'western': u'Motamedi, M. E.'},
     'number': u'3',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [u'LNR Communications, Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y.'],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Tam, K',
      'western': u'Tam, K. -Y.'},
     'number': u'4',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [u'LNR Communications, Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y.'],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Sheu, S',
      'western': u'Sheu, S. -P.'},
     'number': u'5',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'}],
   'comment': [],
   'conf_metadata': {'content': None, 'origin': u'STI'},
   'copyright': [],
   'doi': [{'content': u'10.1109/T-ED.1980.19830', 'origin': u'STI'}],
   'isbns': [],
   'issns': [],
   'keywords': [{'channel': u'',
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     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Heterojunction Devices',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
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     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Infrared Spectroscopy',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': None,
     'origin': u'STI',
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     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
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    {'channel': u'',
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     'original': u'Volt-Ampere Characteristics',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': u'astronomy infrared',
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Infrared Detectors',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': u'astronomy infrared',
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Infrared Reflection',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': u'astronomy visual',
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Optical Properties',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': u'photoabsorption',
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Photoabsorption',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': None,
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Thin Films',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': None,
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Transmittance',
     'type': u'NASA/STI'},
    {'channel': u'',
     'normalized': None,
     'origin': u'STI',
     'original': u'Solid-State Physics',
     'type': u'STI category'}],
   'language': '',
   'publication': {'altbibcode': u'1980ITED...27..126S',
    'dates': [{'content': u'1980-01-00', 'type': u'date-published'},
     {'content': u'1980', 'type': 'publication_year'}],
    'electronic_id': None,
    'issue': None,
    'name': {'canonical': u'IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices',
     'raw': u'IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, Jan. 1980, p. 126-133.'},
    'origin': u'STI',
    'page': u'126',
    'page_count': [u'8', u'8'],
    'page_last': u'133',
    'page_range': [u'126-133', u'126-133'],
    'volume': [u'27', u'27']},
   'pubnote': [],
   'tempdata': {'alternate_journal': False,
    'modtime': u'2017-07-27T21:43:27Z',
    'origin': u'STI',
    'primary': True,
    'type': u'general'},
   'titles': [{'lang': u'en',
     'text': u'The optical and detector properties of the PbS-Si heterojunction'}]},
  {'abstracts': [],
   'arxivcategories': [],
   'authors': [{'affiliations': [],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Steckl, A',
      'western': u'Steckl, A. J.'},
     'number': u'1',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Elabd, H',
      'western': u'Elabd, H.'},
     'number': u'2',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Ka-Yee Tam,',
      'western': u'Ka-Yee Tam'},
     'number': u'3',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Shey-Ping Sheu,',
      'western': u'Shey-Ping Sheu'},
     'number': u'4',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'},
    {'affiliations': [],
     'emails': [],
     'name': {'native': None,
      'normalized': u'Motamedi, M',
      'western': u'Motamedi, M. E.'},
     'number': u'5',
     'orcid': None,
     'type': u'regular'}],
   'comment': [],
   'conf_metadata': {'content': None, 'origin': u'CROSSREF'},
   'copyright': [],
   'doi': [{'content': u'10.1109/T-ED.1980.19830', 'origin': u'CROSSREF'}],
   'isbns': [],
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   'keywords': [],
   'language': '',
   'publication': {'altbibcode': u'1980ITED...27..126S',
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     {'content': u'1980', 'type': 'publication_year'}],
    'electronic_id': None,
    'issue': u'1',
    'name': {'canonical': u'IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices',
     'raw': u'IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 126-133'},
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    'page': u'126',
    'page_count': [u'8', u'8'],
    'page_last': u'133',
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    'volume': [u'27', u'27']},
   'pubnote': [],
   'tempdata': {'alternate_journal': False,
    'modtime': u'2017-03-23T20:50:42Z',
    'origin': u'CROSSREF',
    'primary': False,
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   'titles': [{'lang': u'en',
     'text': u'The optical and detector properties of the PbS-Si heterojunction'}]},
  {'ads_openaccess': False,
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   'bibgroups': [],
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   'doctype': {'content': u'article', 'origin': u'ADS metadata'},
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and new pipeline produces:

          "1/Article/Journal Article"],
        "first_author":"Steckl, A. J.",
        "abstract":"The optical and detector properties of PbS-Si heterojunctions (HJ) are studied. The absorption of PbS films and PbS-Si HJ's have been measured by IR spectroscopy. The photosignal and noise measurements of PbS-Si HJ's are outlined. HJ detectivity and its spectral response are emphasized.",
          "STI category"],
        "links_data":["{\"access\": \"\", \"instances\": \"\", \"title\": \"\", \"type\": \"electr\", \"url\": \"\"}"],
          "astronomy infrared",
          "techniques spectroscopic",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy visual",
        "author":["Steckl, A. J.",
          "Elabd, H.",
          "Motamedi, M. E.",
          "Tam, K. -Y.",
          "Sheu, S. -P."],
        "aff":["Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.",
          "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.",
          "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.",
          "LNR Communications, Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y.",
          "LNR Communications, Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y."],
        "keyword_facet":["astronomy infrared",
          "techniques spectroscopic",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy visual",
        "pub":"IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices",
        "first_author_norm":"Steckl, A",
        "keyword":["Heterojunction Devices",
          "Infrared Spectroscopy",
          "Lead Sulfides",
          "Silicon Junctions",
          "Spectral Reflectance",
          "Volt-Ampere Characteristics",
          "Infrared Detectors",
          "Infrared Reflection",
          "Optical Properties",
          "Thin Films",
          "Solid-State Physics"],
        "pub_raw":"IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, Jan. 1980, p. 126-133.",
        "title":["The optical and detector properties of the PbS-Si heterojunction"],
        "author_norm":["Steckl, A",
          "Elabd, H",
          "Motamedi, M",
          "Tam, K",
          "Sheu, S"],

the old produces

        "first_author":"Steckl, A. J.",
        "abstract":"The optical and detector properties of PbS-Si heterojunctions (HJ) are studied. The absorption of PbS films and PbS-Si HJ's have been measured by IR spectroscopy. The photosignal and noise measurements of PbS-Si HJ's are outlined. HJ detectivity and its spectral response are emphasized.",
        "links_data":["{\"title\":\"\", \"type\":\"electr\", \"instances\":\"\", \"access\":\"\"}"],
        "pub":"IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "techniques spectroscopic",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy visual",
        "author_norm":["Steckl, A",
          "Elabd, H",
          "Ka-Yee Tam,",
          "Shey-Ping Sheu,",
          "Motamedi, M"],
        "first_author_norm":"Steckl, A",
        "keyword":["Heterojunction Devices",
          "Infrared Spectroscopy",
          "Lead Sulfides",
          "Silicon Junctions",
          "Spectral Reflectance",
          "Volt-Ampere Characteristics",
          "Infrared Detectors",
          "Infrared Reflection",
          "Optical Properties",
          "Thin Films",
          "Solid-State Physics"],
        "author":["Steckl, A. J.",
          "Elabd, H.",
          "Ka-Yee Tam",
          "Shey-Ping Sheu",
          "Motamedi, M. E."],
        "aff":["Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.",
          "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.",
          "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y."],
        "pub_raw":"IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. ED-27, Jan. 1980, p. 126-133.",
        "title":["The optical and detector properties of the PbS-Si heterojunction"],
          "STI category"],
        "keyword_facet":["astronomy infrared",
          "techniques spectroscopic",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy infrared",
          "astronomy visual",