from Sebastian Hoof
I was trying to use it to automatically generate BibTeX files from the
"missing citations" warnings of my latex log files.
That works well except that I like to use the arXiv number (without
"arxiv:" prepended) as a citation key. Unfortunately, the "keyformat"
option won't allow e.g. the %X variable to be used, which makes sense
given that older papers are not on arXiv.
from Sebastian Hoof I was trying to use it to automatically generate BibTeX files from the "missing citations" warnings of my latex log files.
That works well except that I like to use the arXiv number (without "arxiv:" prepended) as a citation key. Unfortunately, the "keyformat" option won't allow e.g. the %X variable to be used, which makes sense given that older papers are not on arXiv.