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Pulling query parameters from ADS Classic to ADS BBB
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Classic Search to Bumblebee Redirection #2

Open spacemansteve opened 7 years ago

spacemansteve commented 7 years ago

Classic UI users should be able to see the results of their query in Bumblebee. To add this feature, the Classic UI needs a new button "Send Query To Bumblebee". This new button will send a get request with same url parameters (including all search parameters) that it would send to Classic search. The only difference in the URL will be the hostname and endpoint. The new translation endpoint converts the Classic search parameters to the equivalent Bumblebee search URL. The translation endpoint responds with a 302 so the user can see their search results in Bumblebee.

Code for this new endpoint "classic search to Bumblebee" is in the Tugboat repository.


On Classic, searching with the author Huchra, John generates the URL containing: nph-abs_connect?db_key=AST&db_key=PRE&qform=AST&arxiv_sel=astro-ph&arxiv_sel=cond-mat&arxiv_sel=cs&arxiv_sel=gr-qc&arxiv_sel=hep-ex&arxiv_sel=hep-lat&arxiv_sel=hep-ph&arxiv_sel=hep-th&arxiv_sel=math&arxiv_sel=math-ph&arxiv_sel=nlin&arxiv_sel=nucl-ex&arxiv_sel=nucl-th&arxiv_sel=physics&arxiv_sel=quant-ph&arxiv_sel=q-bio&sim_query=YES&ned_query=YES&adsobj_query=YES&aut_logic=OR&obj_logic=OR&author=huchra%2C+john&object=&start_mon=&start_year=&end_mon=&end_year=&ttl_logic=OR&title=&txt_logic=OR&text=&nr_to_return=200&start_nr=1&jou_pick=ALL&ref_stems=&data_and=ALL&group_and=ALL&start_entry_day=&start_entry_mon=&start_entry_year=&end_entry_day=&end_entry_mon=&end_entry_year=&min_score=&sort=SCORE&data_type=SHORT&aut_syn=YES&ttl_syn=YES&txt_syn=YES&aut_wt=1.0&obj_wt=1.0&ttl_wt=0.3&txt_wt=3.0&aut_wgt=YES&obj_wgt=YES&ttl_wgt=YES&txt_wgt=YES&ttl_sco=YES&txt_sco=YES&version=1

This new endpoint would respond with a 302 to:

spacemansteve commented 7 years ago

Bumblebee will add support for a message parameter. The translation endpoint adds messages such as "Search parameter 'xyz' not supported".

spacemansteve commented 6 years ago

This issue has been replaced by the Classic Search To Bumblebee Redirection Epic. Small issues will be created for individual search fields and small groups of related search fields.

golnazads commented 6 years ago

Switch the logging to ADSMircorserviceUtil. Update readme file to have the format of current convention we have adopted. Test to make sure all the fields are properly converted to BBB expects format.