Precompiled header has been implemented: contains the standard template and external libraries alongwith the definitions and constants needed throughout the project.
The Factory base class along with a templatized ComponentFactory and a separate GameObjectFactory classes which AddInstances of components/gameobjects or Remove them, or Clear or GetInstances from the array list saved.
Component class has been implemented which currently lists few components and needs to be expanded based on need of the projects: Transform, Model, Script, Controller, GameplayIdentifier, (Physics collision type component identifiers may come here).
The System header which lists the different System types: Graphics, Physics, Input, Audio, UI, Gameplay.
Log header contains the 3 different types of LOGASSERTS: Info, Warning, and Error. To graph the different logs as a graph and to find the Performance values of each label type. It needs the core calls for being logged into the performance probes which is remaining to be implemented.