Closed Neriderc closed 10 months ago
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Thanks, I've given this a try. I got errors such as "import declarations may only appear at top level of a module" in Firefox and "Cannot use import statement outside a module" in Chromium.
I read the bit about importing, so replaced that line with the provided code. Ended up with this, a complete copy paste of your example code:
// worker.js
* Lazy-loads Viz.js message handler
* @returns {(event: MessageEvent) => Promise<any>}
function getVizMesssageHandler() {
if (this._messageHandler === undefined) {
const vizDistFolder = "";
const Module = {
// locateFile is used by render module to locate WASM file.
locateFile: (fileName) => `${vizDistFolder}/${fileName}`,
this._messageHandler = import(Module.locateFile("render.browser.js")).then(
({ default: init, onmessage }) => {
// to avoid conflicts, disable viz.js message handler
self.removeEventListener("message", onmessage);
return init(Module).then(() => onmessage);
return this._messageHandler;
self.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if ( {
// handling event sent by viz.js
.then((onmessage) => onmessage(event))
.catch((error) => {
// handle dynamic import error here
// Note: If an error is emitted by Viz.js internals (dot syntax error,
// WASM file initialization error, etc.), the error is catch and sent
// directly through postMessage.
// If you think this behavior is not ideal, please open an issue.
} else {
// handle other messages
const locateFile = (fileName) =>
"" + fileName;
const onmessage = async function (event) {
if (this.messageHandler === undefined) {
// Lazy loading actual handler
const { default: init, onmessage } = await import(
// Removing default MessageEvent handler
removeEventListener("message", onmessage);
await init(Module);
this.messageHandler = onmessage;
return this.messageHandler(event);
const vizOptions = {
workerURL: URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob(
"const Module = { locateFile:",
{ type: "application/javascript" }
async function dot2svg(dot, options) {
const viz = new Viz(vizOptions);
return viz.renderString(dot, options);
Then I tried running it:
dot2svg(dotStr, {});
But I get the error: "Error: Dynamic module import is disabled or not supported in this context"
I only get this error in Firefox. In Chromium, I get no javascript errors but the output is a sort of half-compiled diagram:
This is based on the following DOT:
digraph WT_Graph {
ranksep="0.15 equally"
edge [ style=solid, arrowhead=normal arrowtail=none];
node [ shape=plaintext fontsize="10" fontname="Arial, Sans, Arial, Sans"];
X1 [ label=<<TABLE COLOR="#606060" BORDER="1" CELLBORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="#fefefe" TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="2" BGCOLOR="#add8e6" PORT="nam" ></TD></TR><TR><TD ROWSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="1" PORT="pic" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="40" FIXEDSIZE="true" ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SCALE="true" SRC="/var/www/webtrees/app/../data/media/boy5.png" /></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT" BALIGN="LEFT" TARGET="_BLANK" CELLPADDING="4" PORT="dat"><FONT COLOR="#333333" POINT-SIZE="12">Joseph "Joe" BLOGGS</FONT><BR /><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">* 4 May 1944 </FONT><BR /><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">+ 7 March 2004 </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>];
X80 [ label=<<TABLE COLOR="#606060" BORDER="1" CELLBORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="#fefefe" TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="2" BGCOLOR="#add8e6" PORT="nam" ></TD></TR><TR><TD ROWSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="1" PORT="pic" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="40" FIXEDSIZE="true"></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT" BALIGN="LEFT" TARGET="_BLANK" CELLPADDING="4" PORT="dat"><FONT COLOR="#333333" POINT-SIZE="12">Steven BLOGGS</FONT><BR /><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">* > March 1920 < December 1926 </FONT><BR /><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">+ interpreted 1985 </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>];
X82 [ label=<<TABLE COLOR="#606060" BORDER="1" CELLBORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="#fefefe" TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="2" BGCOLOR="#ffb6c1" PORT="nam" ></TD></TR><TR><TD ROWSPAN="2" CELLPADDING="1" PORT="pic" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="40" FIXEDSIZE="true"></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT" BALIGN="LEFT" TARGET="_BLANK" CELLPADDING="4" PORT="dat"><FONT COLOR="#333333" POINT-SIZE="12">Eden Wilson</FONT><BR /><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">* ~ 1 March 1922 </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE>>];
X81 [ color="#606060",fillcolor="#ffffee", target="_blank" href="", target="_blank", shape=ellipse, style=filled, label=<<TABLE border="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD><FONT COLOR="#555555" POINT-SIZE="10">> 30 December 1941<BR /></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>];
X80 -> X81 [color="#555555", arrowsize=0.3]
X82 -> X81 [color="#555555", arrowsize=0.3]
X81 -> X1 [color="#555555", arrowsize=0.3]
Which if I paste into this online viewer, it looks like this:
Which is roughly how it's supposed to look, ignoring the weird text issue that I don't get with the 2018 version of Viz.js
I'll close this, I'm pretty sure I have it working fine it's just this bug:
Worth nothing that mdaines/vix.js is active once again, while this repo is much less. You might get better results switching back.
Yes, thanks, I just noticed that! However, images are not yet supported in the new version, so I'll just bide my time.
I have a pretty basic setup of viz.js, using the mdaines/viz.js release, which literally has a file called "viz.js". The setup is pretty simple. I load the script:
<script src="javascript/viz.js"></script>
Create a worker:
And then render the SVG:
I'm not familiar with NPM and so am having quite some trouble working out how this forked and updated version can be used to replace the quite outdated version I currently have.
Any tips on where to start would be appreciated!