adulau / Forban

Forban is a p2p application for link-local and local area networks. Forban works independently from the Internet and uses only the local area capabilities to announce, discover, search or share files. Forban relies on HTTP and it is "opportunistic".
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Fixes for multi-NIC environment & Logging #15

Closed MaStr closed 11 years ago

MaStr commented 11 years ago


Are you fine with this?

adulau commented 11 years ago

Thank you for your work. The updates make sense to me.

I'm trying to merge them but I have a small question regarding the setDestination method in If I understand correct the setDestination should be called in a the constructor/init time as if the config file doesn't contain any destination, the default value should be the IPv4 broadcat and IPv6 multicast address. But I only see the call to setDestination only when the config global.destination exists. Should I update this or do you want to make a new pull request? let me know.

MaStr commented 11 years ago

You are welcome! I like Forban, so why not help to improve it :) :+1:

The hint with the setDestination is a good one. I just developed this straight forward with not looking to the init section. In case you have time, it would be fast, that you add it to the constructor method. Hope this is ok for you- if you don't have the time to, I'll apply it today's evening at home.


adulau commented 11 years ago

I just fixed it by replacing the "continue" with the setDestination by default. I just worked. and did test with older Forban for backward compatibility. Everything worked fine. I'll push it in the next minutes.