aduros / flambe

Rapidly cook up games for HTML5, Flash, Android, and iOS.
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Sanity check of etc/ files for ios development #101

Open mmastrac opened 11 years ago

mmastrac commented 11 years ago

The iOS deployment steps are pretty delicate, requiring main class name to match bundle name in the mobileprovision file, etc. It would be great if Flambe could parse all of the inputs and ensure that the bundle id/app id match.

The mobileprovision file is just DER-encoded and can be read with an ASN.1 library (ie: PyASN1). This file just wraps a plist that can be read w/standard XML tools.

openssl asn1parse -in etc/ios.mobileprovision -inform DER -dump

aduros commented 11 years ago

That would be helpful. I don't have the bandwidth to go after this at the moment, but I would happily accept a patch.