advanced-cms / advanced-reviews

This is an Open Source add-on that improves the reviewing process and lets external users to view & review content items or whole projects without the need to access the Edit Mode. Created and maintained by Bartosz Sekuła and Grzegorz Wiecheć
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 15 forks source link

Question: Detect if visitor is using external review feature and display unpublished project links #248

Open MikaelPorttila opened 4 months ago

MikaelPorttila commented 4 months ago

Hello, Im trying out your addon and noticed that our navigation bar does not reflect the current project link-hierarchy and I can only assume that IContentLoader.GetChildren() will never give back drafted pages within an epi content project.

My goal is to make the external reviewers life easier by finding a work-around which allows us to reflect the project changes on the page and allow reviewers to see and access the new pages directly from the navigation bar.

My questions are:

  1. Does the addon set an indicator flag on the request object which tells us that the page view was done by a reviewer?
  2. Is there another flag which tells which project is being reviewed?
  3. And also if there are any known epi-apis which allows me to fetch pages and include drafted pages for project?

Thanks in advance!