advanced-cropper / vue-advanced-cropper

The advanced vue cropper library that gives you opportunity to create your own croppers suited for any website design
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Store image to server with fixed dimensions #124

Closed ricardomarsanc closed 3 years ago

ricardomarsanc commented 3 years ago


I am trying to use the vue-advanced-cropper to crop an image in my Vue frontend and then store it in the server-side once cropped. My requirement is to store the image in the server with dimensions of exactly 600x400px each one, I am using the stencilSize property to set the stencil size to width="600" and height="400", but when storing the images on the server-side, the dimensions of the images are not the same of the stencil, dimensions are different for each image I use.

Is there any way to adjust the cropper and get always a image with the same dimensions?

Here is the code for my cropper

              handlers: {},
              movable: false,
              scalable: false,
              width: 600,
              height: 400,

and the script function to store the image in the server

methods: {
submit() {
      const { canvas } = this.$refs.cropper.getResult();
      if (canvas) {
        const form = new FormData();
          (blob) => {
            console.log("blob: ", blob);
            form.append("picture", blob);
              .create({ withCredentials: true })
              .post("/uploadmultiple", form, {
                headers: { crossdomain: true, "Content-Type": "undefined" },
              .then((res) => {
              .catch((err) => {
                console.log("ERR: " +;
                this.$store.dispatch("addNotification", {
                  color: "error",
          } /*Second parameter can be used here to specify file forma e.g. "image/jpeg". Default: png*/);
    sendFilesToParent(imgArray) {
      this.$emit("croppedimages", imgArray);

Hope you can help me. Thank you very much!

Norserium commented 3 years ago

Hello, @msriki12!

The stencil-size prop sets the stencil size limitations (i.e. size of component that displays the cropped area), not the size of a cropped area.

I assume you can implement the desired result by the setting of the width and height restrictions.

Norserium commented 3 years ago

@msriki12, any news?

ricardomarsanc commented 3 years ago

Sorry I didn't have time to try it out. I will keep you up to date! Thank you very much!

Norserium commented 3 years ago

@msriki12, any news?

ricardomarsanc commented 3 years ago

Update: Thanks for the help, now I have my images cropped with the required size, but I have one last doubt.

When I upload an image which is smaller than the minimum size of the cropper, there are some problems. In my case I have set the stencil-size property also fixed to the size of the image I want to crop, and in this case if the image for example is higher enough but the width is less than the minimum, the stencil fills the stored image with a transparent background. It is okay for me, but the problem is that the stencil only can be adjusted to have the image at the start or the end of the stencil, I would like to center the image in the stencil. On the other hand, I don't know if there is a way to prevent users to upload images that are smaller than the minimum size of the stencil, it could be another solution. I will attach the code of my cropper and a screenshot to clarify.

       handlers: {},
       scalable: false,
        width: 600,
        height: 400,

The screenshot can be found in this link:

Thank you very much!

Best regards.

Norserium commented 3 years ago

@msriki12, alas, there is obviously a some sort of bug. I will try to eliminate it during this week.

Norserium commented 3 years ago

@msriki12, nope, the mentioned bug should not affect your case. I assume you should remove this lines, and it will be okay:

        width: 600,
        height: 400,
ricardomarsanc commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your response. I had to make some research but with your help I finally have something working well. I will close the issue.

Thank you again!

Norserium commented 3 years ago

You are welcome!