advancedresearch / environmental_mega_robotic_systems

Software for controlling mega robotic systems to deal with environmental problems - such as excess CO2 (pre-alpha)
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Mathematical modelling of manifacture planning in automated engineering #6

Open bvssvni opened 7 years ago

bvssvni commented 7 years ago

Automatic engineering is a requirement for Environmental Mega Robotic Systems. Artificial intelligence needs fast feedback on how viable a design is, in order to optimize it. To make the performance good, one needs a simple model where there is as little data as possible, but accurate enough to predict:

In addition, this part of the system could have features to search for optimal design or manufacturing process by constraints or similar problems. A huge benefit is if the same language to describe what to produce also can describe temporary constraints. Many kinds of objects require other objects just to put the pieces together, then removed when they are no longer needed. Therefore, the language used must describe both adding and removing objects.


4D vectors makes it easier to visualize, reuse and solve planning problems

One idea I have is to use 4D vectors to describe coordinates in both space and time. Instead of modeling objects as geometric shapes in 3D, they can be translated into 4D where the time dimension contains information about the planning. This could make it possible to use e.g. bounding boxes, packing algorithms and puzzle solvers.

For example, to build a fence using concrete:

||   ||
||   || build support
||   ||

||...|| fill concrete

  ...   remove support

------------------------------> x

When projected along the x-axis and time, the slice of 4D space looks like this:

|   ...
|   ...   fence is ready
| ||...|| remove support
| ||...|| concrete is dry
| ||...|| fill concrete
| ||   ||
| ||   || build support
+-----------------------------> x

The benefit of 4D is that all questions you can ask about the plan is possible to answer by examining the data. Spatial information is preserved, but you also get how this changes over time. It is easy to debug by examining slices and see whether constraints of some parts needs to be changed.

The same output format can also be used by different planners/solvers. Instead of outputting the specific answer you might need, it outputs the whole plan such that other useful information can be retrieved from the same data.

danielbinzhang commented 6 years ago

interesting topic. I have worked many years in construction industry and also looking at AI in engineering. Would like to connect and chat. check my linked-in:斌-zhang-张-0957501a/

bvssvni commented 6 years ago

I don't use linked-in but you can reach me by email listed here: