advancedresearch / joker_calculus

An implementation of Joker Calculus in Rust
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Interpretations of the `!(x y) = !x ?y` rule #22

Open bvssvni opened 2 years ago

bvssvni commented 2 years ago

See for the underlying idea.

Since the rule !(x y) = !x ?y was not chosen due to an interpretation, but due to novelty, one must interpret the following:

bvssvni commented 2 years ago

One way to interpret it, is that Platonism and Seshatism are dual of each other. So, in some sense they are the same, yet different. The rule represents the possibility of turning one into the other.

At the same time, Platonism and Seshatism are tautological, meaning there is no "right" way to choose one above the other. So, by relating them to each other in a way that seems illogical at first, one can reflect this tautological nature through a Möbius involution.

To achieve this, one must sacrifice the "common sense" rule !(x y) = !x ?!y.

Something that seems easy, becomes impossible, namely that Seshatic Joker Seshatism = Seshatism in CJC. However, it opens up for something "impossible", namely that Seshatic Joker Platonism = Seshatism in CJC.