advancedtelematic / quickcheck-state-machine

Test monadic programs using state machine based models
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Add test/UnionFind.hs #286

Closed momohatt closed 5 years ago

momohatt commented 5 years ago

@stevana Do you have any idea why the test is failing?

momohatt commented 5 years ago

Thank you! I fixed the Spec.hs and the description, please check them.

stevana commented 5 years ago

"This branch has conflicts that must be resolved" before we can merge!

momohatt commented 5 years ago

Somehow I can't see the details of the test results, what shall I do...?

stevana commented 5 years ago

That's strange. It seems to fail to compile with stack test --pedantic?

momohatt commented 5 years ago
[1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( /private/var/folders/hc/jrk9_nvx7lx3dw303jm5_7wr0000gn/T/stack14220/postgresql-libpq-, /private/var/folders/hc/jrk9_nvx7lx3dw303jm5_7wr0000gn/T/stack14220/postgresql-libpq- )
[2 of 2] Compiling StackSetupShim   ( /Users/momohatt/.stack/setup-exe-src/setup-shim-mPHDZzAJ.hs, /private/var/folders/hc/jrk9_nvx7lx3dw303jm5_7wr0000gn/T/stack14220/postgresql-libpq- )
Linking /private/var/folders/hc/jrk9_nvx7lx3dw303jm5_7wr0000gn/T/stack14220/postgresql-libpq- ...
Configuring postgresql-libpq-
setup: The program 'pg_config' is required but it could not be found.

No idea what to do...

stevana commented 5 years ago

Some tests use a postgresql database, you'll need brew install libpq or similar depending on your system (I'm guessing macos)?

momohatt commented 5 years ago

It worked (and yes I'm using MacOS), thank you so much!

stevana commented 5 years ago

Great, thanks for adding this nice example!

momohatt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your review!