advanpix / mpreal

GNU General Public License v3.0
84 stars 19 forks source link

about to_string bug #25

Closed xuquan316 closed 10 months ago

xuquan316 commented 10 months ago

code: set_default_prec(200); a = "3.1666666666666666666"; cout << a.toString("%.5RNf") <<endl; cout << a.toString("%.5RNg") <<endl; print: 3.16667 3.1667 mpreal version:3.7.0 mpfr version :4.2.1

xuquan316 commented 10 months ago

example proc:


include "../mpreal.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using mpfr::mpreal; using std::cout; using std::endl;

// Required precision of computations in decimal digits
// Play with it to check different precisions
const int digits = 50;

// Setup default precision for all subsequent computations
// MPFR accepts precision in bits - so we do the conversion

// Compute all the vital characteristics of mpreal (in current precision)
// Analogous to lamch from LAPACK
const mpreal one         =    1.0;
const mpreal zero        =    0.0;
const mpreal eps         =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::epsilon();
const int    base        =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::radix;
const mpreal prec        =    eps * base;
const int bindigits      =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::digits(); // eqv. to mpfr::mpreal::get_default_prec();
const mpreal rnd         =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::round_error();
const mpreal maxval      =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::max();
const mpreal minval      =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::min();
const mpreal small       =    one / maxval;
const mpreal sfmin       =    (small > minval) ? small * (one + eps) : minval;
const mpreal round       =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::round_style();
const int    min_exp     =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::min_exponent;
const mpreal underflow   =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::min();
const int    max_exp     =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::max_exponent;
const mpreal overflow    =    std::numeric_limits<mpreal>::max();

// Additionally compute pi with required accuracy - just for fun :)
const mpreal pi          =    mpfr::const_pi();

cout.precision(digits);    // Show all the digits
cout << "pi         =    "<<    pi          << endl;
cout << "eps        =    "<<    eps         << endl;
cout << "base       =    "<<    base        << endl;
cout << "prec       =    "<<    prec        << endl;
cout << "b.digits   =    "<<    bindigits   << endl;
cout << "rnd        =    "<<    rnd         << endl;
cout << "maxval     =    "<<    maxval      << endl;
cout << "minval     =    "<<    minval      << endl;
cout << "small      =    "<<    small       << endl;
cout << "sfmin      =    "<<    sfmin       << endl;
cout << "1/sfmin    =    "<<    1 / sfmin   << endl;
cout << "round      =    "<<    round       << endl;
cout << "max_exp    =    "<<    max_exp     << endl;
cout << "min_exp    =    "<<    min_exp     << endl;
cout << "underflow  =    "<<    underflow   << endl;
cout << "overflow   =    "<<    overflow    << endl;

cout << pi.toString("%.5RNg")<<endl;
cout << pi.toString("%.5RNf")<<endl;
return 0;

} print: pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 eps = 1.069105884036878258456214586860592751526078752042e-50 base = 2 prec = 2.138211768073756516912429173721185503052157504084e-50 b.digits = 167 rnd = 0.5 maxval = 2.0985787164673876924043581168838390706380979654733e+323228496 minval = 9.530259619551804292864679126930698081660784502237e-323228497 small = 4.7651298097759021464323395634653490408303922511185e-323228497 sfmin = 9.530259619551804292864679126930698081660784502237e-323228497 1/sfmin = 1.0492893582336938462021790584419195353190489827367e+323228496 round = 1 max_exp = 1073741823 min_exp = -1073741823 underflow = 9.530259619551804292864679126930698081660784502237e-323228497 overflow = 2.0985787164673876924043581168838390706380979654733e+323228496 3.1416 3.14159