adventistchurch / alps-gutenberg-blocks

A Wordpress plugin to create Gutenberg plugins that work for ALPS.
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ALPS widgets could not be added to more than one area of the page #104

Closed hans-olson closed 1 year ago

hans-olson commented 1 year ago

@daniel-eesti commented on Mon Feb 20 2023

ALPS widgets like "ALPS - Text with Link" and "ALPS - Author Box" (and maybe others) could not be added to more than one area of the page (top, bottom, or sidebar). For instance, if we add the "ALPS - Text with Link" widget to the Page Top or Page bottom, it disappears from Page Sidebar if it was added there previously.

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@hans-olson commented on Wed Feb 22 2023


ALPSv3 does not take advantage of all standard widget areas. I think what you are trying to do would be an enhancement.

@designerbrent commented on Wed Feb 22 2023

This does appear to be a big. In the past, that functionality was working.

@hans-olson commented on Wed Feb 22 2023

We need to get a list of widgets that COM wants to use so we can enhance those widgets. Once we get the list, we can prioritize the enhancement.

This does appear to be a bug. In the past, that functionality was working.

Functionality beyond the page and post sidebars has not been tested by me. It is hard to say when this happened.

@hans-olson commented on Wed Feb 22 2023

I suggest we need to get a list of widgets that COM wants to use so we can make sure the widgets. Once we get the list, we can prioritize the fixes as an enhancement.