adventistchurch / igs-guidelines

A home for the Adventist Identity Guideline System documentation.
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IGS Grunt Support #10

Open tpitre opened 7 years ago

tpitre commented 7 years ago

This is ready for review. Jekyll compiling now runs via Grunt. To test, check out this branch, do a npm install (you might want to remove your node_modules directory if you've already ran a npm install previously), then run grunt. That should be it.

Saving sass files should update quickly in the browser without a reload and saving any .md or .html file will trigger the jekyll build command to regenerate the _site folder.

If you want to move all new atoms, molecules, and organisms from ALPS, delete the contents of the /patterns directory (you don't have to, but I like to to keep things tidy) and run grunt style-guide-export from the docroot of the ALPS site.