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Add a gamepad API in the Engine #1364

Closed ericoporto closed 1 year ago

ericoporto commented 3 years ago

Describe the problem AGS is a Game Engine, and most engines have it's own Joystick API. In AGS, using Joysticks requires using a plugin. There's at least 3 different plugins floating around for this, and things aren't great for crossplatform with them.

If AGS had it's own gamepad API, then people would be able to make script modules with gamepad in mind.

Suggested change I would like to propose adding a gamepad API directly in AGS.

Now, there are thousands of different joysticks and SDL2 joystick API has a lot of surface, so there's obvious different ways to do this. I would like to proppose supporting SDL2 GameController API first and later figure out joystick


Here's my current header! ```AGS Script enum eGamepad_Axis { eGamepad_AxisInvalid=0, eGamepad_AxisLeftX, eGamepad_AxisLeftY, eGamepad_AxisRightX, eGamepad_AxisRightY, eGamepad_AxisTriggerLeft, eGamepad_AxisTriggerRight, eGamepad_AxisCount }; enum eGamepad_Button { eGamepad_ButtonInvalid=0, eGamepad_ButtonA, eGamepad_ButtonB, eGamepad_ButtonX, eGamepad_ButtonY, eGamepad_ButtonBack, eGamepad_ButtonGuide, eGamepad_ButtonStart, eGamepad_ButtonLeftStick, eGamepad_ButtonRightStick, eGamepad_ButtonLeftShoulder, eGamepad_ButtonRightShoulder, eGamepad_ButtonDpadUp, eGamepad_ButtonDpadDown, eGamepad_ButtonDpadLeft, eGamepad_ButtonDpadRight, eGamepad_ButtonCount }; builtin managed struct Gamepad{ /// get number of connected joysticks import static int GetCount(); /// attempt to open a gamepad, returns null if it's not a valid gamepad import static Gamepad* Open(int index); /// if joystick is a valid gamepad, get it's name import static String GetName(int index); /// gamepad name import readonly attribute String Name; /// checks if gamepad is really connected import bool IsConnected(); /// checks if a gamepad button is pressed, including dpad. import bool IsButtonDown(eGamepad_Button button); /// get gamepad axis or trigger, trigger only has positive values. import int GetAxis(eGamepad_Axis axis); }; ```

You can just copy this header in an empty script header in a regular Editor if you just wish to rebuild the Engine.



Also, thanks for the wiki entry, it helped immensely figuring out what was needed to do in my code.

Post in the forums

ivan-mogilko commented 3 years ago

I would like to proppose supporting SDL2 GameController API first and later figure out joystick

Could you elaborate, what is the difference between gamepad api and joystick api? Do we need to have both? I do not have much experience with these kinds of devices.

ericoporto commented 3 years ago

Could you elaborate, what is the difference between gamepad api and joystick api?

Joystick API is designed to support any joystick, but joystick comes in different hardware flavors, different number of buttons, sticks and all, so it's responsibility of the game developer to figure how the user joystick maps to his game (or giving tools to the user to do so).

The gamepad controller API in SDL2 assumes for most of the needs for everything, you only need a Xbox 360 gamepad, and you can try to map other joysticks to this gamepad. There are Database of joysticks mapping to this type of controller and it's possible to use an external software to provide the mapping (like Steam), integration is provided through environment variables. This API simplifies the gamedev job.

Do we need to have both?

Unity3D, Löve and Game Maker supports both.

Porting to consoles should be easier using the gamepad controller API.

Technically, I think if you have only the full joystick API the gamepad can be implemented in script.

There's (or at least was in SDL 2.0.9 and before, I haven't checked again recently) a small catch, the joystick API may return some small differences not only depending on the device but on the system you are (win/Linux/Mobile/...) and the controller API also resolves these small differences under the hood - the only difference I ever pickup in this case was the trigger axis were reversed depending on win or Linux.

These differences can be smooth out by asking the player to do the mapping when using strictly the joystick API.

ericoporto commented 2 years ago

Hey, I am looking into skipping speech and display when a button is pressed. Looking into sys_events and also adding a new possible Wait function, not sure is needed, but it looks like something that makes sense ? The problem is basically there can be an any number of Gamepads and also there can be none, so my idea would be to respond to any button press... Any other ideas design wise to interact with Speech and Display? I also noticed mouse.Click () doesn't skip speech when clicking with the mouse could skip - but using SimulateMouseClick from plugin API does skip.

ivan-mogilko commented 2 years ago

adding a new possible Wait function, not sure is needed, but it looks like something that makes sense

I replied to something like this a while ago, and imho the Wait* functions are done wrong at the moment, as there's practically a Wait function for every possible device and combination of these, and adding more devices will increase number of functions. I would perhaps propose replacing these with a single WaitForInput, but in case there's a need to differentiate, then provide a flag set to be passed into this function, e.g. WaitForInput(eInputKeyboard | eInputMouse | eInputGamepad) etc.

I also noticed mouse.Click () doesn't skip speech when clicking with the mouse could skip - but using SimulateMouseClick from plugin API does skip.

I've replied to a that on forums a while ago. Mouse.Click uses exactly same method to trigger a click as SimulateMouseClick, they are equivalent in that. The question is, what are you trying to skip with it and where do you call it (which script function). Speech can only be skipped from rep-exec-always, but Display cannot be skipped like that, because rep-exec-always does not run during Display at all. This makes it impossible to skip Display messages from script.


Any other ideas design wise to interact with Speech and Display

I guess you'd have to add a new constant to the Speech.SkipStyle. Don't remember if these are flags atm: they should be in the engine, but may not be in the script. If they are not then it's best to make them, otherwise the number of possible values will increase with number of combinations.

EDIT 2: I have not looked into how this works atm, but how are you planning to handle gamepad button presses? Will there be a new callback for that, similar to on_key_press?

Alternatively, there could be new eKey codes for gamepad/joystick buttons. In such case - 1) you may use on_key_press to receive gamepad presses; 2) any property that stores a eKey code may also store a gamepad button code (for skipping speech too, and so on).

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

Just a minor curiosity:

The unity keycodes includes buttons from multiple joysticks (joystick 1 to 8!), besides the keyboard and mouse buttons. I thought this was quite interesting.

ivan-mogilko commented 1 year ago

For the record, as I commented this in the PR thread some time earlier: a proposal for the engine to automatically handle connected and disconnected joysticks, and provide a list of opened joysticks in the script API. This is contrary to the classic agsjoy plugin API, where user had to call Joystick.Open themselves.

I believe this change is already implemented in the last version of PR #1759.

Something I wanted to add is - how to deal with joysticks internally in the engine, how to ensure that invalid joystick objects, saved in user vars, don't break the game script.

In AGS there's already a bunch of things that act in a following way: there are 2 objects per such thing, an internal engine's object, and a "script object", working purely as a "index" of the internal object. This script object may contain simply the ID of the internal object. This ID may be anything really, whatever necessary to map to the real object, such as integer index, or else. As examples, you may check out Overlays, Cameras and Viewports: all of these may be created at runtime, and so are Joystick objects (which may be connected at runtime).

The design is following (consider this a draft):

I think the remaining problem is a restoration of game saves...

Upon a quick thought, maybe we should not try to serialize joysticks at all, similar to how we don't try to restore File* script objects. Instead we just invalidate all ScriptJoysticks when saving, and/or when restoring. This will force the user to reassign any global Joystick* variable in "after restore" event.

ivan-mogilko commented 1 year ago

1759 is merged, is it enough to close this ticket, @ericoporto ?

ericoporto commented 1 year ago

Yes, I need to write the TO-DOs, I think I will write them in a single new ticket as task list - the mapping stuff, the IDs stuff, the events, ... I think they may be related.