advocaite / Travianx

A clone of popular Game travian
147 stars 83 forks source link

multiple update,delete,optimise and rewrite + templates #66

Closed MMO-Indie closed 12 years ago

inblackhole commented 12 years ago

Wow, so many modifications. but it seems not very easy to merge to advocaite' master.

$ git checkout GameEngine Switched to branch 'GameEngine'

$ git pull remote: Counting objects: 174, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done. remote: Total 112 (delta 84), reused 102 (delta 74)Receiving objects: 43% (49/ Receiving objects: 45% (51/112) Receiving objects: 100% (112/112), 37.81 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (84/84), completed with 53 local objects. From

$ git checkout advocaite Switched to branch 'advocaite'

$ git merge --no-commit GameEngine Removing AC_OETags.js Auto-merging GameEngine/Automation.php Removing GameEngine/Data/buidata.php_backup_postpercup Removing GameEngine/Data/buidata.php_backup_postrespalfix Removing GameEngine/Data/buidata.php_nk Removing GameEngine/favicon.ico Auto-merging Templates/Building.tpl CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Templates/Building.tpl Auto-merging Templates/links.tpl Auto-merging Templates/multivillage.tpl CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Templates/multivillage.tpl Removing gpack/download/ Auto-merging gpack/travian_default/lang/en/compact.css CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in gpack/travian_default/lang/en/compact.css Auto-merging install/data/constant_format.tpl CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in install/data/constant_format.tpl Auto-merging login.php Removing testmysql.php Removing uncrypt.js

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

MMO-Indie commented 12 years ago

yes but not much change is very important especially at its clarity makes it a winner

update failed .... I expect one can

the problem of some Vienda modification date file freezes (updated on git and a shift with my pc that had a bug)