adwiv / android-fat-aar

Gradle script that allows you to merge and embed dependencies in generted aar file
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Execution failed for task ':alibrary:generateRJava' #61

Open zuoyun opened 7 years ago

zuoyun commented 7 years ago

i follow your tips,embedded in library and compile the library in app

image in library

image in app

gradle show this:

Error:FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

JohnSFR commented 7 years ago

I just ran into the same problem. I got as far as working out that the string 'unspecified' in your error tty comes from - in blibrary's build file - not having an entry for project.version, so I added project.version = android.defaultConfig.versionName in that library's defaultConfig. Adding that changes ...ploded-aar\trunk\\unspecified\AndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the path specified) to ...ploded-aar\trunk\\1.0\AndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)

Update: I'm not sure that exploded-aar folder is ever created, maybe it's moved or something's changed? (Studio version 2.3, Gradle 3.3)

roremeol commented 7 years ago

I think that I found a solution for this issue.

I figure out the new default configuration for Android Studio 2.3: (android.enableBuildCache=true). When a change it to false in it stops in line 356:

Error:Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Fix I fix it! Please see issue #62

JohnSFR commented 7 years ago

Well I'm getting closer.

Setting android.enableBuildCache=false in does make the exploded-aar folder appear. However, the build process didn't explode the sub-library's aar in question into there. So to progress matters, I manually unzipped the aar into exploded-aar/

I then had to change the path in embedJavaJars() from "$aarPath/jars/classes.jar" to "$aarPath/classes.jar", and skip the call to embedManifests() - as that was crashing, and I don't need to merge the manifests in this case.

With that (still with the manual unzip which I'll have to fix later), it looks like I now have a merged aar file. (Though I still have problems building my app with it....)

JohnSFR commented 7 years ago


R$... classes from the sub-library were missing from the output aar. They are in \build\fat-aar\ as well as in a .jar file in build\intermediates\bundles\release\libs

After manually copying them from build\intermediates\bundles\release\libs\.jar into classes.jar within the output aar, I am now able to compile the aar into a separate apk project.

So I now just need to figure out how to replace the two manual steps, i.e.

roremeol commented 7 years ago

It could help you:

#copy file sample
task copyHeaders {
    copy {
        into "../../Classes"
    dependsOn ':app:preBuild'
#unzip file sample
task unzip {
    copy {
        def zipFile = file("${binLibs}/lib.aar")
        def outputDir = file("../../libs")

        from zipTree(zipFile)
        into outputDir
    dependsOn ':app:preBuild'
roremeol commented 7 years ago

it seems that it does not work with maven dependencies. @JohnSFR

roremeol commented 7 years ago


I think that this issue is related to #62 .

I do not know why. When "Flavors" is in debug in Android Studio, gradle makes other intermediates build folder ({libary dir}/build/intermediates/bundles/debug) and it seems to use it.

When i change the "Flavors" to release, it uses the correct one ({libary dir}/build/intermediates/bundles/default). And now the fat-aar works.

I figure out this curious issue on Androis's project

vigidroid commented 7 years ago

After android gradle plugin 2.3.0 was released, something about file path has been changed. That results in the hard-code build script working wrong.

AFAIK, there are 2 points below:

  1. build/intermediates/bundles/debug is changed to build/intermediates/bundles/default in some case.
  2. exploded-aar is moved to build-cache for performance improvement. To restore this, we can disable build-cache.

I have created a new repo to try to support all these. Even so disable build-cache is also needed. Or you should use the version prior to 2.2.3.

If the build script is really puzzle you, you can try mine.

@zuoyun @JohnSFR @roremeol

lgengsy commented 6 years ago

I have the same question as you 。finally I change gradle to 2.3.1 to 2.2.3 solve it classpath '' I found this way can solve it.